Okusi jela koja su spremale naše bake i mame

Restoran Tajer

Tradicionalna domaća hrana na međimurski način


Tajer je kajkavski (međimurski) naziv za tanjur. U tajeru ćemo vam poslužiti jela koja su možda i malo zaboravljena. Jela koja su spremale naše bake, mame, hrana koju smo jeli kao djeca. Tu hranu zavoljela su i naša djeca, poznanici, prijatelji, a nadamo se da će se svidjeti i vama. Spremljena su na naš tradicionalan način i onako kako su nas naučili naši „stari“.

Tajer is a Kajkavian word for “plate”. We will serve you dishes that have been somewhat forgotten, dishes once prepared by our mothers and grandmothers, dishes that we ate as children, dishes our children, friends and acquaintances began to love and we believe you’ll love them, too. They are prepared in a traditional way, the only way our elders taught us.

Tjedna ponuda do 16 h


Vratina sa žara s restanim krumpirom / 8,50€
Pileći file u umaku od hrena s tjesteninom / 8,50€
Vinski gulaš / 7,70€

Pileći file paniran sa sezamom, pekarski krumpir / 8,50€
Špageti bolognese / 8,50€
Grah s kobasicom / 7,70€

Svinjski ragu s rižom / 8,50€
Piletina zapečena sa sirom, kalapajsani krumpir / 8,50€
Kelj varivo s kosanim odreskom / 7,70€

Sarma s pire krumpirom / 10,00€
Svinjski zagrebački s povrćem na lešo / 8,50€
Fileki / 7,50€

Bakalar jušno / 14,00€
File oslića paniran u bučinim sjemenkama s krumpirom salatom / 8,90€
Lazanje / 8,50€


Hladna plata "Tajer"

cold meat platter for 2-3 people with smoked pork meat, smoked pork tongue, bacon, sausage, ground lard, cottage cheese, pickled vegetables

20,00 €

Domaća patka s ražnja, mlinci

homegrown duck with pasta tatters

19,30 €

Medaljoni zapečeni mozzarellom u tamnom umaku s popečcima od krumpira

pork medallions gratinated with mozzarella cheese in dark sauce, potato polpette

16,00 €

Međimurska gibanica

traditional layer cake with four different stuffings – nuts, cottagge cheese, poppy seeds and apples

5,70 €

Hrskave okruglice od heljde u umaku od gljiva

crunchy buckwheat dumplings in mushroom sauce

7,80 €

Pureće rolice punjene mlincima, suhim šljivama i jabukom s polpetama od tikvica i đumbira

turkey rolls stuffed with grinders, prunes and apples and wrapped in bacon, zucchini and ginger fitters

16,00 €

Teleći odrezak punjen kravljim sirom u umaku od vrganja s popečcima od krumpira

veal escalope stuffed with cow’s milk cheese in porcini sauce, potato polpette

20,50 €

Domaći zapečeni štrukli sa sirom

homemade dough filled with fresh cottage cheese and lightly glazed with cream

8,00 €




Nudimo vam organizaciju privatnih proslava, poslovnih evenata i radnih sastanaka u prostorima našeg restorana. Bilo da se radi o velikoj zatvorenoj terasi, unutarnjem prostoru ili pak odvojenom podrumskom prostoru javite nam se kako bi dogovorili sve detalje vezane uz vaš događaj.

We offer you the organization of private celebrations, business events and work meetings in the premises of our restaurant. Whether it is a large closed terrace, an interior space or a separate basement space, contact us to arrange all the details related to your event.